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Responsibilities in Child Protection Matters

In addressing child protection matters, it is essential to remember that children rely on your assistance. Here are some key expectations:

  • They desire your attention towards their views and emotions.
  • They expect to be kept informed.
  • They need time to make their own choices.
  • They require you to maintain the confidentiality of their information.
  • They hope for non-stigmatising services.
  • They anticipate a positive relationship with you.

Reporting Child Welfare Concerns

If you have concerns about a child's welfare, it is vital to report this to your child protection liaison officer or directly to the children's services or the police. Your involvement may extend to providing information, participating in an assessment process, or contributing to an agreed plan of support or service for the child or family. Additionally, you might be asked to contribute to regular reviews of the child's progress.

Handling a Child's Disclosure

Should a child disclose sensitive information, here's what to do:

  • Pay careful attention.
  • Document the conversation in the child's own words, noting the time, and sign and date the record.
  • Take the disclosure seriously.
  • Reassure the child that they did the right thing by speaking up and that they are not at fault.
  • Explain the next steps and the necessity for you to report, clarifying that you cannot promise secrecy.

What to Avoid

When dealing with a child's disclosure, avoid the following:

  • Asking leading questions.
  • Making promises you can't keep.
  • Jumping to conclusions, speculating or accusing anyone.
  • Deciding if the allegations are true or false. This is not your responsibility.

Never Hesitate to Report

Never refrain from reporting a child protection issue due to the public status or the professionalism of the individual involved. Always prioritise the child's interest. It is then up to professionals to determine whether it is a child protection issue. Remember, you have a legal obligation to report such issues promptly.

Key Points to Remember in Child Protection

Here are some important points to bear in mind:

  • Every child has the right to safety.
  • Adults have the duty to protect children.
  • Abuse and neglect are harmful.
  • Abuse and neglect often persist due to silence and secrecy.
  • Your knowledge may just be a small part of the bigger picture.
  • Children seldom lie about abuse.
  • An abuser could potentially harm many other children who deserve protection.